Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our pleasure to invite you to the Girona Seminar, and the corresponding Young Researchers Symposium, that will take place in the city of Girona, Catalonia (Spain). The meetings will be held from May 28th to May 31st 2024 at the “La Mercè” Auditorium.
Since 1993, the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) has been organizing this biannual conference. Early editions were focused on theoretical chemistry, which changed in 2006 when for every seminar a different research topic related to the IQCC interests was chosen. In the last two editions of the Girona Seminar (2018 and 2022) the subthemes were “Transition-Metal Reactivity by Design” and “Biocatalysis”. For the next edition in 2024, the topic will be “Supramolecular Chemistry”.
The Girona Seminar has an outstanding reputation for excellence and highly engaged discussion, and it has become a focal point for scientists at the forefront of chemistry to present and discuss their latest developments. The meeting also aims at promoting new collaborations and it brings together young and senior scientists in a beautiful environment and in an informal and friendly atmosphere.
In order to put special emphasis on the research of young researchers, prior to the main meeting there will be a one-day Young Researchers Symposium. This symposium will be organized for, and by, PhD students in order to showcase their results, and we encourage all participants of the Girona Seminar to also attend this symposium.
We hope to count on your participation to contribute to this meeting.
Best regards,
The Organizing Committee
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